Friday, April 29, 2011

San Toki

Dear Ellie,

Today I sang this song to you, a song that my mama, your halmoni, used to sing to me when I was little.

산토끼 토끼야 어디를 가느냐
깡총깡총 뛰면서 어디를 가느냐

산고개 고개를 나혼자 넘어서
토실토실 알밤을 주워서 올테야

San-toki, toki-ya Uh-dee-reul gah-neu-nyah?
Kang-choong, kang-choong tee-myun-suh Uh-dee-reul gah-neu-nyah?

San-go-gae go-gae-reul Nah-hon-jah nuhm-uh-suh
to-shil to-shil ahl-bahm-eul Joo-wuh-suh ol-tae-yah

Mountain bunny, bunny Where are you going?
Bouncing, bouncing as you're running. Where are you going?

Over the mountain peaks, peaks I will climb them on my own
Plump, plump chestnuts I will find and bring

In other bunny news, Auntie Lydia sent you a bunny friend and you really like him. You like bunny so much, in fact, that today when I put him on your lap you actually picked it up with your little hands! That's a FIRST! You've never picked anything up before, at least not voluntarily. By this afternoon daddy and I let you rock to sleep in your chair, and when we came back to check on you this is what we found:

Nap time while hugging bunny all by yourself.

We're going to dinner tonight and you're chaperoning. We'll see if you are gracious to us again and let us have another fun dinner date. Love you honey! 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Changes, and we're not just talking diapers.

Dear Ellie,

Hello, 11-week-old babygirl! How quickly you have grown! Right now you are asleep with daddy, and I'll be joining you soon. Everyone loves you so much that I have had multiple requests to get on it and update the blog. So, here we go!

Over the past few weeks lots has changed. You have really uncurled your little legs, which you used to keep locked up against your chest. Because of this, you seem to have doubled in size overnight! You enjoy taking baths in the big tub with one of us, you now play with all the little dangly toys on your rainforest "gym" and bouncy chair. I don't know if you realize you are hitting the toys or if you just flail your arms and happen to see a result. Whatever it is, keep doing it, because it's so c-u-t-e! You have taken to chewing on your fist and drooling everywhere, which we believe is an early sign of teething. You like to grab onto our shirts now when we hold you, and you also grabbed and shook a rattle for the first time yesterday!

Your vocabulary is expanding, from "ah" to "meh" to "go" and "goo". You'll be a pro orator before you know it.

So now for the fun stuff, pictures!!

Propped up. So strong!


Studying the mobile.


Making faces at each other.

You're funny!

Happy baby! Sometimes I wake up and I'm so tired I don't want to get out of bed, but then I see you grinning at me, just  waiting to start your day, and my heart melts. Every time.


"Yeah, I run this place"

Bath in the big tub!

Hanging out with your great great great auntie! Five generations of Tullys apart.

"Why would I sleep in the crib when I can have this whole bed to myself?"

You picked a rose on the way to visit daddy at work for lunch, and we didn't see it until we were inside and the rose was on your head.

It almost fits. 

Love you, love you, love you! Your daddy and I just can't get enough of you. Muah!
