Dear Ellie,
As of yesterday, you are five months old! I know I've said this before, but you really are growing incredibly fast! Over the past month you met Aunt Casey, Javi, and lots of mommy and daddy's friends during a big camping trip at the ranch. You didn't go camping, but you got to spend a weekend with grandma and grandpa for the first time. You did great! I think we had a harder time being away than you did!
You also started doing some amazing things, like grabbing your right toes, then grabbing your left. Now I've even seen you do the cross-over: left hand to right toes! You've started talking up storms. You love to babble, especially in the morning when you wake up. You like to hold hands with one of us and pull yourself up to sitting or standing. Basically, you're a little acrobat.
Here are some recent photos. Love you honey bear!